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Unbound Education for students 

Unbound Education offers students a range of highly tailored coaching, mentoring and tutoring services.

I believe all teenagers can excel both in school and in life.  My role as a coach is to unlock a student's talent, help them find their passions and prepare them for a rewarding future.  


The challenges

Every student is different but these are some issues I have encountered after 20 years of working with adolescents:

  • Motivation issues and low enthusiasm for learning

  • The school system tending towards a one size fits all approach: individual needs are often neglected

  • Special learning situations such as home learning, parent sabbaticals

  • Low grades or exam results, poor school reports

  • Identifying next steps such as curriculum, university or career choices

  • Lack of direction 

  • Stress

  • Transition: moving countries, schools, educations systems or homes

Image by Tim Gouw

My philosophy: The 4 pillars

These 4 pillars form the backbone of my coaching, mentoring and Maths tutoring approach at Unbound Education:

How it works


Sessions can be online, in person, in Lisbon or a hybrid


Sessions of 45mins - 1 hr can be carried out weekly or every two weeks


Costs vary between €50-€90 per session including research and planning.

My expertise

  • International Baccalaureate Middle Years (MYP), Diploma Programme (DP) and Careers Related Programme (CP)

  • UK (A Level, IGCSE and GCSE), French, Portuguese and IB systems

  • Teach First programme.  

  • International and UK state schools

  • Maths, Science, Business & Management, Humanities taught across Secondary, Middle and Primary School

  • Singapore Maths approach

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  • International Baccalaureate DP Coordinator

  • Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) Coordinator

  • Pathfinder Programme: project and inquiry based schooling

  • IB Careers Related Programme Service Learning Coordination  

  • Start Up Hub: entrepreneurship programme

  • International Award: Duke of Edinburgh supervisor

  • Global Issues Network 



  • Mentor and Tutor: over 10 years experience across a diverse range of nationalities, backgrounds and ages.

  • Career and University Advisor

  • Tutoring: exam preparation, UK 11+

  • IB Extended Essay supervisor 

  • Trip leader: led countless student trips both locally and internationally

  • Sports Coach: Boys and Girls Football, Tennis, Badminton

  • Camp leader: led multiple nights multi-activity and hiking camps with groups of students






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